31 research outputs found

    S铆ntesi de camps vectorials de llum amb polaritzaci贸 tridimensional no uniforme mitjan莽ant hologra铿乤 digital

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    [cat] La introducci贸 dels feixos amb polaritzacions no uniformes ha aportat grans aven莽os en multitud d'脿rees. En un nivell m茅s fonamental, ha perm猫s entendre la naturalesa de la llum d'una manera m茅s amplia, estenent les teories 貌ptiques conegudes, com ('escalar, a d'altres m茅s precises com la vectorial. La s铆ntesi de feixos amb una distribuci贸 no uniforme de la polaritzaci贸 segueix sent una tasca desafiant. Mentre que algunes t猫cniques utilitzen sistemes totalment 貌ptics, en aquesta tesi, s'ha optat per incorporar dispositius optoelectr貌nics per modular la llum, obtenint aix铆 una major flexibilitat a la hora de dissenyar el feix. Per altra banda, el muntatge 貌ptic utilitzat est脿 basat en un interfer貌metre de Mach-Zehnder per tal de manipular les dues components del feix, d'una manera independent, en cada bra莽 de l'interfer貌metre. D'aquesta manera, utilitzant en cada bra莽 de l'interfer貌metre un modulador de cristall l铆quid, tenim la capacitat de modular ambdues components del feix incident. Aquests moduladors s贸n els proporcionats per Holoeye, concretament el model HEO 0017, els quals treballen en transmissi贸. Compten amb una configuraci贸 pixelada, dotant-nos d'una capacitat de modulaci贸 espacial amb una resoluci贸 de 32gm. Complementant aquesta modulaci贸 amb una t猫cnica d'holografia digital, som capa莽os de modular tant l'amplitud com la fase d'ambdues components del camp i, per tant, d'esculpir qualsevol forma amb qualsevol distribuci贸 de la polaritzaci贸. Per tal de mostrar aquesta flexibilitat, s'ha sintetitzat un conjunt de feixos amb diversos perfils i diverses distribucions de la polaritzaci贸. Els feixos generats s鈥檋an avaluat mitjan莽ant un analitzador, compost d鈥檜na l脿mina retardadora 位/4 i un polaritzador lineal, enfront d鈥檜na c脿mera CCD de 14 bits de rang din脿mic del model Stingray F080B A5G. D鈥檃questa manera, s鈥檋an obtingut les distribucions dels par脿metres d鈥橲tokes en el pla de la c脿mera. Apro铿乼ant aquesta capacitat de modulaci贸, s鈥檋a dissenyat una t猫cnica d鈥檈ncriptaci贸 hologr脿铿乧a utilitzant el mateix sistema 貌ptic amb lleugeres modi铿乧acions. Les claus secretes, que garanteixen la seguretat en la codi铿乧aci贸, s贸n m脿scares de polaritzaci贸. Per incrementar el nivell de seguretat del sistema, s鈥檋an afegit dos par脿metres f铆sics necessaris per poder desencriptar la informaci贸. A m茅s, s鈥檋a simulat, sobre els resultats experimentals obtinguts, la resposta del sistema sota condicions de molt baixa il路luminaci贸. Aquestes condicions, sovint utilitzades en treballs previs, augmenten signi铿乧ativament la robustesa del m猫tode d鈥檈ncriptaci贸. Un cop garantida la correcta manipulaci贸 d鈥檃mbdues components d鈥檜n feix paraxial, s鈥檋a procedit a desenvolupar un marc te貌ric per sintetitzar feixos altament focalitzats amb una polaritzaci贸 tridimensional arbitr脿ria. Per tal d鈥檕btenir aquests feixos, s鈥檋a utilitzat un objectiu de microscopi amb una obertura num猫rica de NA=0.85, on s鈥檋a modulat el camp en la pupil路la d鈥檈ntrada mitjan莽ant el m猫tode hologr脿铿乧 anterior. El disseny del camp en la zona focal, en funci贸 de la distribuci贸 de la polaritzaci贸 en la pupil路la d鈥檈ntrada, s鈥檋a realitzat en el marc de la teoria vectorial desenvolupada per B. Richards i E. Wolf. Per avaluar el funcionament del sistema, s鈥檋a sintetitzat un feix altament focalitzat amb polaritzaci贸 circular en qualsevol pla, i s鈥檋a comparat els resultats obtinguts experimentalment amb els extrets num猫ricament. La de铿乶ici贸 del grau de polaritzaci贸 en feixos altament focalitzats, encara ara, genera certs debats degut a que no es pot expandir d鈥檜na manera inequ铆voca com una suma directa del camp totalment polaritzat i del camp totalment despolaritzat. En aquesta tesi, hem fet l鈥檈studi en el marc dels par脿metres d鈥橲tokes generalitzats, obtenint una correspond猫ncia entre la distribuci贸 del par脿metres d鈥橲tokes en la pupil路la d鈥檈ntrada i la distribuci贸 del par脿metres d鈥橲tokes de la contribuci贸 transversal del camp focalitzat. S鈥檋a proposat un feix paraxial, que, un cop focalitzat, genera un camp amb les components transversals despolaritzades i que compta amb una component longitudinal no nul路la. Aquests tipus de feixos s贸n de gran utilitat, entre d鈥檃ltres camps, en la confecci贸 de capes de invisibilitat.[eng] Non uniformly polarized beams have provided great strides in many areas. The synthesis of arbitrary polarized beams remains a challenging task. While some techniques use full optics systems, in this dissertation we introduce a system where optoelectronic devices modulate the light, providing more flexibility in the beam design. Complementing this modulation with a digital holography method, we modulate both amplitude and phase of the field. Moreover, the optical assembly is based on a Mach-Zehnder interferometer where the two components of the field can be independently manipulated in each arm of the interferometer. Applying an arbitrary modulation in both compontents, we can sculpt any profile with any distribution of polarization. To show this flexibility, a set of beams with multiple profiles and polarization distribution have been presented. In addition, taking this modulation capability, we introduce an holographic encryption technique where the secret keys are polarization masks. Two physical parameters are necessary to decrypt the information, increasing the security of the system. We have simulated the system response under very low illumination. Once guaranteed the flexibility in the design of paraxial beams with arbitrary polarization distribution, a theoretical framework to synthesize highly focused beams with an arbitrary three-dimensional polarization has been developed. The B. Richards y E. Wolf theory relates the polarization distribution on the entrance pupil of a microscope objective with the vectorial structure of the field in the focal region. To evaluate the performance of the system we have implemented a highly focused beam (NA=0.85) with circular polarization in any plane. The definition of the degree of polarization in highly focused beams even now generates some discussion because it can not be expanded unequivocally as a direct sum of completely polarized fields and completely depolarized fields. In this thesis, we have made the study within the frame of generalized Stokes parameters. We have obtained a correspondence between the distribution of the Stokes parameters in the entrance pupil and the distribution of the transverse Stokes parameters in the focused field. We have proposed a paraxial beam, which once focused, it generates a field with the transverse components depolarized and a non-zero longitudinal component

    Experimental implementation of tightly focused beams with unpolarized transversal component at any plane

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    The aim of this paper is to provide a formal framework for designing highly focused fields with specific transversal features when the incoming beam is partially polarized. More specifically, we develop a field with a transversal component that remains unpolarized in the focal area. Moreover, its longitudinal component exhibits non-zero values on axis. Special attention is paid to the design of the input beam and the development of the experiment. The implementation of such fields is possible by using an interferometric setup combined with the use of digital holography techniques. Experimental results are compared with those obtained numerically

    On the behavior of vector light needles using modulation functions with topological charge

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    In the present communication, we describe how to produce long light distributions in the focal area of a high numerical aperture optical system using a custom modulation function with spiral charge. This analysis expands our previous developments in the field. We analyze the effect of this new element on the behavior of light along the optical axis

    Synthesis of light needles with tunable length and nearly constant irradiance

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    We introduce a new method for producing optical needles with tunable length and almost constant irradiance based on the evaluation of the on-axis power content of the light distribution at the focal area. According to theoretical considerations, we propose an adaptive modulating continuous function that presents a large derivative and a zero value jump at the entrance pupil of the focusing system. This distribution is displayed on liquid crystal devices using holographic techniques. In this way, a polarized input beam is shaped and subsequently focused using a high numerical aperture (NA) objective lens. As a result, needles with variable length and nearly constant irradiance are produced using conventional optics components. This procedure is experimentally demonstrated obtaining a 53位-long and 0.8位-wide needle

    Effect of linear polarizers on the behavior of partially coherent and partially polarized highly focused fields

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    In this Letter, we describe the behavior of partially coherent, partially polarized focused vector beams after passing a linear polarizer placed at the focal plane of a high numerical aperture microscope lens. In particular, we develop a mathematical framework for such beams that helps the understanding of the performance of polarizers when interact with non-paraxial beams. The features of the focused field after the polarizer are numerically evaluated for some illustrative examples

    Optical Encryption using Photon-Counting Polarimetric Imaging

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    We present a polarimetric-based optical encoder for image encryption and verification. A system for generating random polarized vector keys based on a Mach-Zehnder configuration combined with translucent liquid crystal displays in each path of the interferometer is developed. Polarization information of the encrypted signal is retrieved by taking advantage of the information provided by the Stokes parameters. Moreover, photon-counting model is used in the encryption process which provides data sparseness and nonlinear transformation to enhance security. An authorized user with access to the polarization keys and the optical design variables can retrieve and validate the photon-counting plain-text. Optical experimental results demonstrate the feasibility of the encryption method

    Experimental Estimation of the Longitudinal Component of a Highly Focused Electromagnetic Field

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    The detection of the longitudinal component of a highly focused electromagnetic beam is not a simple task. Although in recent years several methods have been reported in the literature, this measure is still not routinely performed. This paper describes a method that allows us to estimate and visualize the longitudinal component of the field in a relatively simple way. First, we measure the transverse components of the focused field in several planes normal to the optical axis. Then, we determine the complex amplitude of the two transverse field components: the phase is obtained using a phase recovery algorithm, while the phase difference between the two components is determined from the Stokes parameters. Finally, the longitudinal component is estimated using the Gauss's theorem. Experimental results show an excellent agreement with theoretical predictions

    Modeling axial irradiance distortion in holographic optical needles produced with high numerical aperture lenses

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    Optical needles produced by means of diffractive technology might display limited quality and uniformity. It has been suggested that the bulky optical elements present on these setups can be responsible of such behavior. In particular, issues such as the lack of flatness of the optical components, modulation errors in the holographic displays, and optical aberrations might degrade the quality of the needle. In this paper, we model how these variables affect the uniformity of the irradiance of the needle on the propagation axis. A comparison between experimental and computationally estimated results is provided

    Synthesis of highly focused fields with circular polarization at any transverse plane

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    We develop a method for generating focused vector beams with circular polarization at any transverse plane. Based on the Richards-Wolf vector model, we derive analytical expressions to describe the propagation of these set of beams near the focal area. Since the polarization and the amplitude of the input beam are not uniform, an interferometric system capable of generating spatially-variant polarized beams has to be used. In particular, this wavefront is manipulated by means of spatial light modulators displaying computer generated holograms and subsequently focused using a high numerical aperture objective lens. Experimental results using a NA=0.85 system are provided: irradiance and Stokes images of the focused field at different planes near the focal plane are presented and compared with those obtained by numerical simulation

    Effect of linear polarizers on highly focused spirally polarized fields

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    Linear polarizers are commonly used for projecting the direction of the electric field of a transverse paraxial beam on the direction of the polarizer axis. However, the use of these devices with highly convergent field poses a practical problem because the non transversal character of electric field. In this article, we discuss the behavior of highly focused beams with spiral polarization when they pass through a polarizer. Interestingly, beams with azimuthal polarization display a non negligible irradiance in the direction of propagation after passing through a polarizer. On top of that, we found that the irradiance of a highly focused radially polarized beam after a polarizer is notably different from the projection of the field on the direction of the polarizer axis